Monday 9 May 2011


On this post I am going to look at the Strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats to my work in relation to this animation. This will be a SWOT analysis and I will then produce SMART targets based from this.

With this animation I think it's my pure skill and wit that carries the idea and this is recognized by the viewer. I think the actual work on the composite works well.
The ammont of detail is low. The image quality was lost twice due to importing the same file into other programs and not setting the resolution correctly.
This gave me the opportunity to enter E4's Esting competition. As well as a chance to use compositing in cinema 4D as well as experiment with camera tracking software.
The threats I have noticed is mainly my weakness in quality control may be the reason I would not win a competition like the E sting one.

(Little achievable targets for everyone to enjoy)
...should really call them latfetes then. but some SMARTy pants came up with something else.

My aims are to:

1. Work on setting up my renders and exports properly.
2. Get the software at home and practice.
3. Make another E4 sting that looks better.

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