Tuesday 1 February 2011

Dizzy Dave By Albinal

This is an Esting runner up from 2009. Dizzy Dave by Albinal.
The style of the animation is clean and natural looking. This is appealing to the audience. The sound works perfectly supporting each action. The idea is solid. It has a good narrative for 10 seconds with a full start, middle and end. The idea is that the character can only see E4 by getting the dizziness before he passes out. This is a nice way to demonstrate how amazing E4 is. The build up of suspense and the setting of the scene for the action is good and impressive to get into 10 seconds. Using one shot works for this as cutting to other shots makes the animation seem quick as the viewer is jumped from place to place which could be messy.
Things to take note of:

  • Trying to get a full story into the animation works.
  • Looking neutral with no clashing colours works well. Maybe having E4 clashing.
  • Sound working with the motion is very effective.
  • Hidden little story is always a nice touch.

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